9 ways to generate consistent, high-quality content

Picture of a variety of candy.

Let’s imagine that you enjoy a particular kind of candy. It tastes amazing, and it’s made with organic ingredients, so you can pretend it’s healthy. Then, after you buy a big package of this candy, you taste one and... it’s awful. After trying the rest, you find that only 1 in 10 tastes good. You decide not to repurchase this candy because the flavor isn’t consistent.

You already know that creating high-quality content is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your website and build a strong brand. But creating high-quality content on a regular basis can be challenging. Like the candy example, your consumers won’t read your content if it’s not consistently great.

This article will provide 9 tips that will help you produce great content consistently to attract organic traffic to your website and build a loyal following.

Readers want actionable content

When people are reading your posts, they want to find value in them for themselves. This perceived value comes before any other goal you might have for them. If your readers can find ideas and tips in your content that will benefit them immediately, they’ll likely keep reading your website for more.

So, it’s imperative that you clearly show, right from the beginning, how reading your content will help fix your audience’s problems. Can you add an example of how your readers can apply your information? Or show them ways they can use your tips right after they finish reading your blog post? If you’re always looking for ways to add value, your readers will notice.

Create content that interests your reader

People love to learn because they’re curious. So, when you’re deciding what content to make, think about what kinds of things your audience wants to learn. The best source for new topics is your readers. Why not directly ask them what they want to see, whether through emails, surveys, or a conversation?

People also like to feel challenged and encouraged to think about what they are reading. Incorporating questions that are relevant to your content is a great way to do this. Just don’t frustrate readers by making them work too hard, or they might not come back for more. It’s a delicate balance.

It’s best to keep things short and simple

Keep things short and stick to main points. You may have a word count you’re trying to meet that causes you to try to stretch two paragraphs of information into a 500-word blog post. DO NOT DO THIS. It will not be actionable content or interesting for people to read.

If you have a post that’s too short, try expanding the topic title or adding the content to a relevant post that already exists. Adding fluff around great points will only make them less valuable.

Make sure your sources are reliable

Whenever you quote a statistic or link to a blog post you didn’t write, you open yourself up to be discredited for something false. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t originally write the information. If you spread it, you own it. Remember that time you posted that video of the kid being picked up by an eagle in a park only to find out that the whole thing was fake? Not only did you feel deceived, but it may have made people wonder how gullible you are.

Let’s not do that with our content. Always check the authenticity of the website you’re quoting and linking to. It’s a good idea to look at the website’s other articles and social media posts to get an idea of their credibility. When citing statistics, make sure the information comes from an unbiased source.

Stockpile source material and do tasks in batches

Having to look up source material every time you write breaks the flow of your writing and takes too much time. For example, if you were going to write a series of articles on puppies, why not figure out the topic of each article and find the source material all at once. Then, use a content calendar to organize it. Your content calendar should include topics, possible headlines, and source material you can use to reference.

After you’ve stockpiled your source material, you now need to write your content. But there’s more to creating content than just writing. You also need attention-grabbing titles and applicable images. To save time, try batching some of these tasks, like finding all the pictures for your posts at the same time or writing several blog posts at once. It keeps your mind from having to switch between tasks and improves your focus.

Know when you are creative

Woman typing on laptop at dawn.

Every person has their own internal clock that regulates when they should do things like go to bed or eat meals. This clock also regulates your creativity.

There are times during the day or night when you’re most creative and able to write well. (Our project manager really likes this book called The Power of When which has an entire chapter about the best time for you to be creative.) Try scheduling your writing for the times when you work best. Doing so will help reduce frustration and the risk that you may give up.

Follow content with related services or promotions

When creating your content calendar, keep in mind when you want to release new services or products. Writing about what you’re releasing beforehand can build anticipation and excitement for your offer.

Repurpose content

Creating new content is hard, so don’t waste the work that you’ve already done. Repurposing old content is a great way to get more value out of previous articles. But how can you do it? Converting content into various formats, republishing on different mediums, and updating older articles are all great ways to give your content new life.

Document your writing process and use it as much as you can

Once you’ve written a couple blog posts or e-books, you’ve most likely developed a process for writing certain kinds of content. Once you have a process, document it.

This will save you time because you don’t have to remember every step in the correct order or rewrite part of your content because you forgot something. It’s already written down. It will also help when training new employees without you having to hover over them to correct things.

Do you want better content?

After reading these steps, you may feel that you’re ready to create a new piece of content every day. That’s great, but some of you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work it takes to make great content. At The Content Reactor, we help B2B, professional service, and tech companies create engaging content that helps them target their ideal clients, increase traffic, and establish thought leadership. Set up a free consultation today.


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